full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ross Lovegrove: Organic design, inspired by nature

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I use, now, a whole new pcsroes. A few years ago I reinvented my process to keep up with people like Greg Lynn, Thom manye, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas — all these people that I think are persevering and pioneering with fantastic new ieads of how to create form. This is all ctaered dlilgtiay. Here you see the machining, the milling of a block of acrylic. This is what I show to the client to say, "That's what I want to do." At that point, I don't know if that's possible at all. It's a seductor, but I just feel in my bones that that's possible.

Open Cloze

I use, now, a whole new _______. A few years ago I reinvented my process to keep up with people like Greg Lynn, Thom _____, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas — all these people that I think are persevering and pioneering with fantastic new _____ of how to create form. This is all _______ _________. Here you see the machining, the milling of a block of acrylic. This is what I show to the client to say, "That's what I want to do." At that point, I don't know if that's possible at all. It's a seductor, but I just feel in my bones that that's possible.


  1. process
  2. digitally
  3. mayne
  4. created
  5. ideas

Original Text

I use, now, a whole new process. A few years ago I reinvented my process to keep up with people like Greg Lynn, Thom Mayne, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas — all these people that I think are persevering and pioneering with fantastic new ideas of how to create form. This is all created digitally. Here you see the machining, the milling of a block of acrylic. This is what I show to the client to say, "That's what I want to do." At that point, I don't know if that's possible at all. It's a seductor, but I just feel in my bones that that's possible.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
freaky side 2
james watson 2
industrial design 2
art form 2
side coming 2
natural history 2
history museum 2
polymer chair 2
water droplet 2
solar panel 2
street lamp 2
real world 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
natural history museum 2

Important Words

  1. acrylic
  2. block
  3. bones
  4. client
  5. create
  6. created
  7. digitally
  8. fantastic
  9. feel
  10. form
  11. greg
  12. hadid
  13. ideas
  14. koolhaas
  15. lynn
  16. machining
  17. mayne
  18. milling
  19. people
  20. persevering
  21. pioneering
  22. point
  23. process
  24. reinvented
  25. rem
  26. seductor
  27. show
  28. thom
  29. years
  30. zaha